Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats ailments by administering highly diluted remedies in order to fight both diseases and their...
Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, or "like cures like." Accordingly, the substances used as remedies are those that would cause the same negative symptom in healthy individuals if given in a larger dose. These "similar" substances are said to combat the disease at its deepest root, thereby imparting better overall health and healing. They are used in such minute doses as to be considered safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Homeopathy as a Medical Practice
Pursuing a career in homeopathy requires in-depth scientific and medical knowledge as well as an understanding of individual human genetics and behavior. The practice of homeopathy is not regulated on its own, but its use is complementary to naturopathic care and other holistic healing arts. Because homeopathy involves a truly holistic practice, practitioners should enjoy learning the way each patient responds to his or her surroundings, genetics and lifestyle, and how that affects the patient's health and ailments.
Homeopathy Education
Licensed naturopathic physicians (NDs) include homeopathy in their scope of practice, so if you would like to become a doctor and use homeopathy in your practice, pursuing a graduate degree from a naturopathic medical school is a great way to start. But you can add homeopathy training to your Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree as well. In addition, an estimated 40 percent of chiropractors recommend homeopathic remedies to their patients.
Homeopathy Salary
Homeopathy is practiced in so many settings and with such diversity that salary ranges vary widely. The following average salary ranges for medical practitioners who often utilize homeopathy in their services illustrates this considerable variability:
- Family Practice Doctors: $142,000 – $188,000
- Nurse Practitioners: $76,482 – $90,148
- Physician Assistants: $75,691 – $91,439
- Chiropractors: $68,791 – $103,218
Homeopathy Career Outlook
The outlook for homeopathy careers has never been brighter. We are now seeing a return to natural, holistic medicine at a rate we haven't experienced since homeopathy spread throughout the U.S. in the early 1900s. Americans currently spend hundreds of millions of dollars on homeopathic preparations each year, and the numbers are only rising. In many parts of the country, all you have to do is walk down the street to see holistic pharmacies popping up. And the aisles of your local grocery store are likely stocked with a good number of remedies already. As people continue to integrate homeopathy into their family's lifestyle, your homeopathy career outlook will continue to improve.
If you are interested in practicing homeopathy as a doctor or in your own life, you can take any number of homeopathy education courses and begin using them as soon as you are properly trained with the process. There are a number of accrediting and certifying bodies to help ensure you can provide the best care to your family or your patients
Here are some Homeopathy Pictures (click to view)
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