Acupuncture is a procedure adapted from Chinese medicine that treats illness and provides anesthesia by the insertion of needles at specif...
Today is an excellent time to become an acupuncturist since society has become more focused on maintaining wellness and preventing disease through alternative medicine than ever before. In fact, many hospitals now offer acupuncture as part of a patient's treatment plan, and wellness centers are plentiful across the U.S.—even in many suburbs.
Acupuncture Career Overview
Acupuncture can be an incredibly flexible and rewarding career. Your practice can be the foundation for a holistic and balanced lifestyle that nurtures your mind, body and soul while it pays the bills. In addition, the collaborative relationships you develop with your patients, and the positive changes you witness in their lives, can be deeply satisfying.
Most acupuncturists run their own businesses as independent practitioners in private practice. You may also form a collaborative clinic with other CAM practitioners, such as naturopaths and licensed massage therapists. An increasing number of hospitals are hiring acupuncturists to complement their regular Western medical services that they offer. Other acupuncture career paths include researching, writing, translating and teaching.
Desired Acupuncturist Traits
Successful acupuncturists usually possess the following traits:
Patience and compassion
Excellent listening skills
Self-motivation and hardworking tendencies
Excited about learning a complex and ancient tradition of healing
A Typical Day for An Acupuncturist
An acupuncture session with a client runs between a half hour to an hour, and a first visit is often longer because the practitioner needs to first diagnose the patient, and then discuss treatment options. At the end of the session, the acupuncturist may prescribe herbal therapies for the patient to use at home. Typically, the majority of the practitioner's time during a session is spent on the actual performance of acupuncture and related therapies, such as herb and skin treatments. Like most medical practitioners, part of the acupuncturists' time is spent on the performance of office duties such as filling out charts and maintaining patients' files. Some acupuncturists work alone and perform all aspects of the office duties, others work as part of a larger team with appropriate support staff to help them.
Average Acupuncture School Tuition
The cost of becoming an acupuncturist varies widely depending on the program you choose. It may be as little as $6,000 per year of study up to $50,000 or more for a full 3-year or 4-year program.
Acupuncturist Salaries
Because most acupuncturists are self-employed, incomes vary widely. According to, a new acupuncturist starting out may earn between $24,000 and $40,000 per year. But seasoned acupuncturists can make upwards of $100,000, depending on the practice and clientele. Many acupuncture practitioners who work in hospitals make over $65,000 per year, while practitioners who work for non-profit organizations make under $35,000 per year. As you gain experience and build your practice, you can double or even triple your income.
If you are interested in any acupuncture school, just look through this website
Here are some Acupuncture Pictures (click to view)
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